Monthly Archives: May 2014

Bono’s birfday

Bono, from one of my all-time favorite bands, U2, is 54 today.

I’m playing bass and doing some singing in a similar style, epic post-punk band called “The Agenda.”

I’m going to be putting together some character bios for “The Bridge Burner Trilogy” soon, so be on the lookout. Also, watch for a price drop in the next week on “Bridge Burner Hyperion.”

Bridge Burner Hyperion is alive!

My first novel, Bridge Burner Hyperion, has arrived!

Will, Crick, Amara, Jack, the Digger and all the rest are here, in the first part of their three book adventure.

It’s been an absolute blast to write, and I can’t wait until the next two books are out. July should see the release of the second book, “Pyronic Technique,” while the third novel, “The Salamander Tree,” will be out in September.