Tag Archives: Ludovico Einaudi

Share yo Experience Foo’


Today I had the great honor of speaking about my experience self-publishing in novelist and teacher Susan Daitch’s creative writing workshop at Hunter College. Before getting to the school, I certainly had some reservations. I mean, what could I possibly speak about for twenty minutes, let alone an hour? I’d never spoke at length about self-publishing, especially not in such a formal setting.

Turns out I had nothing at all to worry about. The class was very receptive, and Susan made the entire process effortless. Before I knew it, I had been speaking and fielding questions for an hour, and felt like I could go another few rounds. The class was very receptive and asked great questions.

At class’s end, as everyone milled out the door to go on their merry way, I was repeatedly thanked by the students for sharing my time and knowledge with them. I was pleasantly taken aback by their appreciation, as I thought I was the one who should feel grateful at having been given the opportunity to talk to them.

That’s when I was hit with a real “a-ha” moment. I got how sharing knowledge is a phenomenon that mutually benefits both the sharer and the one being shared with. While the students come away with new-found knowledge (hopefully), the sharer comes away with validation for their thoughts. That’s huge. How often do we go through life with bits of information going in one ear and out the other? When we are able to share the things we know with people, some of that information is forced to stay where it is.

Sharing helps build systems of knowledge, and it’s those systems of knowledge which define who we are.

Anyways, I’m listening to Ludovico Einaudi and it’s making my brain feel really good. Where has this guy been all my life??